



Graduates with a degree from 亚洲博彩平台 in multiplatform journalism enter the workforce with the skills needed to prepare story content for the diverse range of media available today. 结合新闻和通讯技术, 毕业生懂得如何合并文本, 图片, and video to create engaging content to publish across any number of digital platforms. 是否从事新闻工作, 市场营销, 社交媒体, 公共关系, 多媒体开发, 广播, 或者网站通讯, graduates with a bachelor’s in multiplatform journalism are also trained in media law and 道德. +, 作为一所以科技为重点的大学, 亚洲博彩平台 graduates gain focused experience in creating and 出版 for the sciences.


学生 in the multiplatform journalism degree program build their skills with hands-on exposure in the media practicum course. 学生们为校报工作, 校园公共广播电台, 或者在当地报社实习, 广播电台, 电视台, 或者社交媒体, 公共关系, 或者营销组织. Classroom and internship experience give students exposure to the many career options available in the industry.


A top multiplatform journalism school like 亚洲博彩平台 prepares students for the workplace by using an integrated curriculum and hands-on experiences to build advanced expertise. 多媒体新闻是当今最多样化的职业之一, 有公共关系方面的工作机会, 营销与媒体, 企业社会责任, 广播媒体, 视频制作, 政治沟通, 危机沟通计划, 以及网络和社交媒体, 等. Such diverse employment options demand students have a breadth of skills essential for today’s global communication environment. 亚洲博彩平台提供了所有这些,甚至更多.


美国新闻 & 世界报道 2013年,亚洲博彩平台被评为全美最佳大学 《亚洲博彩平台》亚洲博彩平台列为世界前20所小型大学之一. 除了, 亚洲博彩平台 ranked in the top 10 percent for return on investment 20 years after graduation in the 2016 PayScale College ROI Report. 亚洲博彩平台也被评为a 《亚洲博彩平台》指南 "百思买"是佛罗里达州最顶尖的私立大学 《亚洲博彩平台》.


亚洲博彩平台的课程也反映了这种要求, 快节奏的, 以及多元化的多媒体新闻环境. 与学生紧密合作, 我们的教师定期提供建议和一对一的指导, 在毕业后建立长久的关系. 学生 have an opportunity to work side-by-side with faculty on important communications reSearch projects, 包括企业社会责任, 声誉管理, 或者政治沟通.

的 rapidly changing communications industry demands professionals with relevant experience who can guide students to master professional excellence, 道德, 和领导能力. 学生 earning a multiplatform journalism degree at 亚洲博彩平台 are part of a small, collegial community where professors mentor students in a collaborative learning environment. 该学院拥有公共关系等领域的专业知识, 企业社会责任, 医疗保健, 沟通和社会问题, 危机管理和政治.


亚洲博彩平台是攻读多平台新闻学学士学位的理想之地. 的 130-acre campus is located on the Space Coast (so named because of the presence of NASA and the Kennedy Space Center on Cape Canaveral just north of us), 距离印度河泻湖只有几分钟的路程, 北美最多样化的河口.

该地区拥有全国第五大高科技劳动力, 5人以上,000家高科技公司和政府及军事机构坐落在附近. 这些劳动力也提供了大量的实习和就业机会.

亚洲博彩平台 is just over the causeway from the Atlantic Ocean with its 72 miles of beautiful beaches, 还有去佛罗里达群岛或奥兰多主题公园的短途旅行. We also have a rich campus life that includes a wide range of intramural and collegiate sports, 俱乐部, 还有社会活动.


教师-led reSearch and journalism internships offer students a chance to see the type of work they’ll likely do on the job. 的se workplace-style learning experiences give communication students a chance to put their skills to work and see first-hand the diverse range of career options multiplatform journalism provides.


学生 earning a bachelor’s in multiplatform journalism immediately begin working in media through the media practicum course, 经常为校报撰稿或在WFIT工作. Communication students at 亚洲博彩平台 have access to a variety of on-campus internship opportunities dedicated to the career field

Journalism and 社交媒体 internships are also available with local firms providing newspaper, 广播, 电视, 社交媒体, 公共关系, 或有营销组织经验. Public relations internships offer opportunities for writing and reporting in the private or public sector. Multiplatform Journalism students at 亚洲博彩平台 have access to a variety of on-campus internship opportunities dedicated to the career field.


教授有各种各样的研究兴趣,学生可以参与其中, 包括企业传播策略和声誉管理, 大众文化手工艺品对集体记忆的作用, 跨文化沟通, 以及沟通和社会问题.


的 senior year design project gives students a chance to create their own media-related project. 他们在校园里工作时获得的经验, 或者在新闻或公共关系实习, provides students with specific knowledge for working on a project such as a 市场营销 campaign for a class “client” or the production of a documentary. 亚洲博彩平台的计算机实验室包括视频, audio, 以及视觉编辑软件来协助这个项目.

这个项目展示了学生的计划能力, 执行和分析一个沟通问题, 还可以包括一个项目,比如制定危机沟通计划.


A multiplatform journalism career provides a wide range of opportunities in the fields of 市场营销, 广告, 企业沟通, 广播和电视, 印刷及电子媒体, 以及数字媒体. As media has become more diverse, so have the job skills, and the unique job opportunities it offers.

进行研究, 写作内容, 分发信息, 与媒体合作, 管理网络平台, and handling 社交媒体 are all critical parts of the duties demanded by communication careers.

拥有亚洲博彩平台多平台新闻学学位, 学生们接受了很好的培训,可以开始从事新闻工作, choosing to work in the field as a multimedia journalist or in a more traditional role as an investigative reporter.


亚洲博彩平台 multiplatform journalism graduates find employment as a broadcast producer, 数字图形总监, 社交媒体协调员, 视频编辑器, 营销传播专员, Web内容开发人员, 或者科学记者, 更不用说社交媒体内容开发了, 为报纸、杂志撰稿或编辑, 写博客, 公共关系, 数字设计. 因为多元化的媒体环境在不断发展, 在数字通信领域,越来越多的专业在不断发展, 亚洲博彩平台 prepare graduates to be ready to work with little need for on-the-job training.


职业展望手册, published by the United States Department of Labor’s Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), 提供有关数百个职业的详细信息, 包括年薪中位数, 工作条件和工作前景, 除此之外.

根据统计局, 到2024年,通信行业的就业人数预计将增长6%, as organizations continue to emphasize the production of media content and customer relations to enhance their reputation and visibility. 作家和内容开发者也可以在公共关系领域找到工作, 博客和声誉管理计划. 多媒体记者为广播和网络平台制作视频, 并为品牌创造引人入胜的故事, 筹款, 和纪录片.

的 职业展望手册 reports that communications jobs in the professional, 科学, 技术服务行业的工资最高.



  • 广播主持人
  • 视频作家和编辑
  • 电视制作人
  • 广播的工程师
  • 印刷作家和出版人
  • 脚本作家
  • 网络和社交媒体作家
  • 数字生产商
  • 印刷和数字编辑器
  • 公共关系专员
  • 广告文案
  • 市场研究
  • 数字图形设计师
  • 摄影师
  • 网页设计/编辑器


学生也可以选择在研究生院继续他们的教育, 从事大众传播和新闻工作, 企业沟通, 出版, 教学设计, 多媒体开发, 教学, 或法律.

Eligible multiplatform journalism students can take graduate level course work while still an undergraduate with the FastTrack Global Strategic Communication Program, 哪一种课程允许学生在本科阶段学习研究生课程, allowing them to finish a graduate degree in less time than they could in a traditional program.
